->10 Best Gifts to gift a friend on a Birth day:
To make Birthday , one of the most special day in everyone’s life, friends family always gather around and find the best gifts possible for them to get. Most often there is always confusion on what to gift a person on their birthday. There always a tension after being gifted as to whether the bday baby would like the gift or not. Well here are a list of 10 best ones which u can gift your friends. Don’t just stop with gift them, show them that you really care for them by adding your loved words and wishes along with the beautiful presents you gift them.
1. Bouquet of flowers with a nice Card
2. Make a Surprise Visit to their house at 12.00am on the Bday date
3. A nice piece of jewellery
4. Wrist Watches/Wallets/Bags
5. Dress(Make sure you get the correct size)
6. Photo frames with loveable pictures relating to the time spent together
7. Wall Paintings
8. Beautifully crafted Glass works
9. Crockery Sets
10. Accessories/Electronic items