Dad's transfer indirectly implied new surrondings,new friends,new college yet another time.I had actually completed my schooling and was about to enter into the "freebird college life"!He was actually posted in a rural area ,so finding a good college in that area was a bit difficult that too for a citybird like me.Dad actually tried many colleges near by, but to my surprise allmost everywhere they were giving preference only to caste rather than marks. Even after getting 90% marks it was difficult for me to get a computer science seat in the local colleges around for only reason that I was from an OC background.Only thing I heard people saying was "Ajar money hai to seat hai"..Still there were many to pay as much as 2.7laks for a normal B.Sc(Computer Technology) seat.But I felt really bad at one point, as I even after scoring 90% was denied a seat but the other person who scored less than 70% got the seat easily with black money. I was very clear in my point that if I study then it will be based only on the marks that I have scored and not because of someones recomendation or donation.As a result I lost few days of my college too yet achieved to get a seat in one of the finest colleges in coimbatore "CIT".
Till now everything was fine.The actual thunder occured when my mom said,"Let Sanju stay in hostel for 3 years as travelling 2 hours a day would be difficult for her!!". I was like "what???????? hostel?????? :-( noooooooooooooooooooo :-) never mind I m ready to travel but please mama no hostel :-( " But no use :-( They had already planned and so I was gonna miss my family :-( That was my first seperation from home.A day before joining hostel my sis too left to her workplace at mysore.So with all my sorrow buried within I headed towards my hostel.In my early days it appeared to me like a jail but as days passed by, I started liking the place friends and my room too.I got a room which was actually shared by 4 (including me).At first mess food which appeared like poison tasted sweet once we started liking it and it even went to that extent that hostel food was appreciated the most when compared to home food.
First year college life was actually fun and frightening though.Evening after the college all the hostellates will be called by the seniors seperately and ragged for fun,I was caught quite a few times!!Have really enjoyed a few of them but a few others I have strongly opposed as a result a few seniors are still against me and are still awaiting for an opportunity to trash me!!Second year got ourselves the pride of "seniors" and as days passed by the visits to home which was frequent during first year reduced to once in a month.We hostellates started loving it so much that most often days scholars used to get jealous of us!!
There were lots of benefits to a hostellate when compared to a dayskey, a few include:
1.Entering the class late and giving the silly excuse as "mess food was over and had to wait for it" or "water didn't come in hostel " etc., and every time the staffs accepted it :-)
2.Combine studies only on the day of the exam.( The previous night you can find all the lights in almost all the rooms blinking late night)
3.Unlimited gossips untill your mouth starts aching.
4.Unlimited outing with friends on weekends with no pressure from parents.
5.No lectures from parents (only on calls but thats adjustable)
6.No restrictions!!
Third year had the most of it!! Having placed in a MNC, lectures see u in high pride.We took the fullest advantage of it and bunked quite a few classes,boys were experts in that though. Hostel days was something everyone would treasure to have especially my same batch!!People say they see heaven only after their death but I experienced it when I was at CIT hostel!! I came across ways emotions,people with different habits behaviour and background in my 3 year hostel life.My rooms 216,324,415 have been with me all through my days :-) I m really proud to be a HOSTELLATE!!
Hostel lyf rocks!!
good one! Don't cry.
Hi... I think I heard your story from someone else...
@Anonymous:Oh really??? Tat must be my inner soul!!
nice1...but i dint had tis experience in my clg life!!!!
nice1...but i din had tis exp in ma clg lif!!!because am a days scholar$$$$
nice1...but i din had tis exp in ma clg life!!!coz am a days scholar$$$
@gowthami: so sad.. :) you missed the best part of life!!
Nice one...I wonder how I missed to read it before......keep posting such..!
Doesn't river yamuna flow during your sorrows?
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