Friday, August 3, 2012

Noticed any difference in the Shinning Sun Today??

Have anyone of you noticed a unique feature today??
The Sun which is shining above your head is different in a unique way today. There was a huge black ring around the sun today. Noticed in a very places in India :)

Well if you have not, then have a look at dese :)

The reason for this can be a scientific effect, which is called as 22° halo effect.
It is because the ring is located 22 degrees away from the Sun.
This happens when both the Sun and the Moon block a 1/2 degree region of the sky at a time, so the ring around the Sun is about 44 times larger than the Sun itself.


Nivya Peter said...

Is this related to mayan calendar?

Anonymous said...

Yes we saw from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. It was amazing.

ruby said...

even i noticed this today

Anonymous said...

yes i noticed thiz 2day thiz happen 1000 years once ?