Tuesday, August 21, 2012

WASE classes

It’s been 2 and half years already since I have been working, and it’s around 2 years in my WASE so far. As I look back these 2 years they were so beautiful right from making new friends, teasing your lectures and creating your college atmosphere back at work. Yes of course you need to study a bit too J

2 years back when we joined the company in June we were informed that we were lucky enough to get a MS Degree in Software Engineering from one of the esteemed universities of India, BITS Pilani. With all our eagerness we stepped into WASE Class. Since my place of joining was at Bangalore we had our WASE classes in PES College, Bangalore. Weekdays we used to work as every other employee and on Saturdays we unite together for our WASE Classes.
Days at PES College were unforgettable. You name it and we have done every single one of those… be it late coming to the first hour, gossips, scolding, outstanding behavior, drawing weird figures at the back of your notebook, bunking sessions, sleeping in the class with your eyes open and making the lecturer believe that you actually listening to their lecture. I don’t know why many a times I have felt so bored in many of the theory classes, Most of my friends dared to sleep in front of the professors though.
It was the break time that brought the whole college together. You could find almost everyone chitchatting with their friends outside the corridor with a cup of tea and biscuits that they used to provide. How can I miss the tummy full lunch that they used to provide for which a long queue used to be formed even before the lunch break starts: P
I pity all the staffs who handled the noon sessions. Every individual would have had his tummy full of lunch and on the top of it we used to have theory sessions of all boring subjects. It used to be like a sleepy pill to already half slept ones.
Since it was our first semester, everyone worried a little and tried to study a bit for the exams. Once into second semester even that was gone with the wind. If a person scores well in mid semester exams, he can be sure enough to move on to next semester. For all those who scored less there always was Open Book Exam in the end of Semester which was for 60 marks. Though it sounds OPEN BOOK nothing was actually part of the text book. We had to first go through the book understand the concept and then prove it. For all those geeky kind of people it was too easy as they already would have captured the concept in the class.
Days passed, Years lapsed. And I am currently into my 4th Semester. With still 4 more semesters to go I am enjoying my life fullest. This journey in my life is been so good so far. I definitely was missing my college life as I entered my new journey of life, but this one has come at right time and given me a break to go back to my college days again.
With lots of sweets moments and infinite memories I still continue this beautiful Journey of my life!!

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